Elenor Riches


April 24, 2023

Free Tools for UX Research in FemTech

We focus our research methods into understanding what's happening right now with your product, service or users so you can drive decisions for future users.

Good UX research should be the foundation for any FemTech product or service. Whether you’re an established company or in the very early stages of formulating an idea - understanding your users is key to long-term success.

Why is UX research important?

Good quality UX research proves that you’re solving a real problem, in the right way, for the right people. It’s all about getting feedback. Without feedback, how do you know your users are happy with your service? Which areas should you focus on and develop? Or why might your users consider going to a competitor?

The feedback process can begin even before you have a prototype or product - but it can be intimidating to know where to start. That’s where Workie Ticket comes in.

What if I can’t afford UX research?

Without a budget, conducting high-quality user research may seem impossible. The good news is, there is an ever-growing range of tools that can help you. For this blog, we’ve compiled a list of our top 5 tools that you can start using for free!

Typeform: for surveys, forms and quizzes.

Surveys allow you to collect information from your users on how and why they use a product or service, in their own words - which can be pretty powerful. Typeform allows you to develop visually captivating surveys that are fun and user-friendly. It helps keep the questions simple and engaging to prevent overwhelm and get straight to the important information. There’s a free version with many features, or you can sign up for one of their paid plans.

Kardsort: an online card sorting tool.

Card sorting is a UX research method that asks participants to label and/or sort content into larger categories. This allows you to understand how they approach information. You can then design and evaluate the information architecture of your site or product in a way that makes sense to your users.

Useberry: for user testing.

Useberry’s tagline is ‘get answers before decisions’ and we couldn’t agree with their attitude more! Useberry is a one-stop shop for remote testing, offering efficient and rich user feedback on your product or prototype. It provides you with access to target groups that fit your ideal user profile and can help identify blind spots early on in your research process.

Zoom or Google Meet: for interviews.

Talking face-to-face is still incredibly valuable when it comes to UX research. Platforms like Zoom and Google Meets allow you to connect with users from all over the world, from different walks of life. Rather than a written survey response, a human conversation can offer more nuance - allowing you to pick up on changes in tone or attitude and expand on different points of conversation. Don’t forget the handy option to record or transcribe your interview for later analysis!

Figma: for collaborative prototype design.

Figma is a collaborative design tool that is entirely browser-based, meaning it works on both Macs and PCs. It’s the leading software for building prototypes, particularly when it comes to mobile applications. Figma allows you to build a prototype, edit and change it easily - without making lots of expensive modifications. It’s easy to learn and use, with plenty of different functions included in the free plan.

What if I need tailored research support?

It’s important to remember that these are just tools and they can only get you so far in your UX research. Workie Ticket supports you in your research by creating tailored studies specifically for you. We develop easy-to-use templates that can be used over and over, to maximise the value of your purchase.

Check out Workie Ticket’s range of support packages here. Or, reach out directly to discuss how we can help you build a solid UX foundation for your FemTech company.

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